Saturday, March 29, 2008

Spring and Snow!

Well its been a strange week. It has snowed off and on for the last 3 days and all the spring flowers are in bloom. Its hard to believe its a week after Easter. Both these photos were taken today!

I've added links to 2 new photo albums. I'm experimenting with a new on-line photo editing and album site. We'll see how well it works. Let me know what you think about it.

Our granddaughter Sarah now has her own blog. I've posted a link to it. I set up a shell for her and
she built the rest. Pretty impressive!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Mike. Pretty daffodils! I like your photo albums, but my computer thought it was a dangerous site. The captions were very helpful for me as a non-family member. Thanks for sharing.


Mike Scott said...

Hi Patti,
I've added another photo to the blog since you viewed it. More snow today. I don't know how to keep the photo albums from showing up as dangerous. It did it once to me also. It might be that it only happens once. Thanks,

McCullough Bridge

McCullough Bridge