Thursday, April 10, 2008


Well the weatherman says its going to be nice on Saturday. I hope so as my yard is in need of a lot of help. So... we'll see.

I've started a list of recent movies we've seen. They are mostly ones we've watched in the last month or so. I'm not putting any on the list we didn't like. We subscribe to Netflix so we get a pretty good selection right after they are released on DVD. We've been members since they first started and are very pleased with the service we get. We actually went to the theater with our friends Steve and Mary to see the Bucket List and enjoyed it a lot. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman! How can you go wrong?

I'm going to be adding more content to the blog in the next week or so as I experiment with seeing what all I can do. The web site is pretty dormant until I figure out how to use the blog to compliment it. I'm also working on more slide shows and experimenting with video. I'm having a great time, so let me know if you want to try blogging on your own. Speaking of that, I've placed a link to our friends Jim and Patti's blog, "The Amazing Chip Shots". You'll figure out pretty fast the pun in the name. Patti was my inspiration to start our own web site. Many of you know them and their blog and web site will acquaint you with their adventures in Kentucky and beyond. We are scheduled to visit them this summer and are looking forward to it. Kentucky in 3 days! Sounds like an adventure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You're my favorite Scotsman! But, please more photos in kilts.

Your favorite cousin

P.S. And, no comments about Harris tweed, please.

McCullough Bridge

McCullough Bridge