The history of Park City is that of a typical 19th century mining town. In 1868 silver was discovered near Park City. By 1870, 164 people lived there. As the silver mining boomed so did the town. In 1898 almost 10,000 people live in Park City. One story said there was over 100 saloons in town. By 1951 it was listed as a ghost town. A ski resort was built in the mid 1960s and in 1995 Salt Lake City was awarded the 2002 Winter Olympics. Many of the events were held in Park City. Its now a booming ski resort and trying hard to become a summer vacation resort also. They seem to be doing a good job. Property prices here are ridiculously high.
Photos - On the right (above) is a moose in the moose repair shop. We haven't seen any live moose(s), but there is a large population of carved and cast moose.

I'm enjoying your posts and pictures, Mike. We spent long enough in Park City to eat lunch a few years ago and kept claiming we'd go back, but never did. So, thanks for the tour! Patti
It looks like a lot of fun there!!
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